Dale Williams resigned his seat on the Sitka Tribe of Alaska’s Tribal Council after losing the race for chairman to former council member Mike Baines.
The Tribe held its elections for chairman and council on Tuesday.
Baines becomes the first new chairman in about 20 years. Williams, meanwhile, had a year left in his term.
Sitka Tribe General Manager Ted Wright confirmed the resignation, and said council member Wade Martin also resigned with a year left on his term Wednesday. Appointments will be made to fill the vacancies until then.
Williams could not be reached Wednesday night, but Martin told KCAW his resignation was a reaction to the election results. He also says he’s submitted a letter to dis-enroll as a Tribal Citizen, to make himself more employable in Hoonah.
The election removed two incumbents from office. Tanya Bonorden and Stephanie Edenshaw were seeking their second term.
Voters returned two other incumbents to their seats and elected two new members to the council.
The returning incumbents are Mike Miller and Rachel Moreno. Newly elected members are Wilbur Brown and Lillian Feldpausch.
The election results are scheduled to be certified at noon on November 20th in the Sitka Tribe offices at 456 Katlian Street.
Results, released Wednesday:
Michael Baines – 201
Dale Williams – 95
Rachel Moreno – 203
Mike Miller – 194
Wilbur Brown – 169
Lillian Feldpausch – 156
Louise Brady – 146
Stephanie Edenshaw – 130
Tanya Bonorden – 125
This story will be updated should more information become available.