Jeff Davis Street, from Sawmill Creek Road to John Brady Drive, will be closed for infrastructure replacement starting tomorrow (08-10-16) until further notice.
A portion of Jeff Davis Street – from Sawmill Creek Road to John Brady Drive – will be closed to through traffic starting tomorrow (08-10-16) until further notice for sewer improvements.
The city is closing Jeff Davis Street to replace existing infrastructure, particularly a 50-year-old undersized water main with a new, large diameter pipe. The road will be resurfaced and 4-foot sidewalks replaced with five foot wide sidewalks. The project will also connect three residences on Jeff Davis to the existing sewer main.
Dave Longtin, Senior Engineer in the Public Works Department, told the Assembly last night (08-10-16) that the bulk of the project will be completed by the end of September. The contractor will be routing traffic around Jeff Davis for the next two months and will alternate between working on the north half or the south half.
“They’re going to be occupying just one half of the road at any time, so John Brady will be accessible for people that need to get in to the Hames Center or child care,” Longtin said.
The Public Works Department will announce additional road closures as needed. For more information, call 747-1804.