SITKA, ALASKA Kotzebue author Seth Kantner published his first novel, Ordinary Wolves, in 2004. The story followed the lives of a non-Native family who had chosen to make their home in Northwestern Alaska, and to adopt the traditional lifestyle and subsistence practices of the area’s Yupik culture.
Ordinary Wolves was an impressive literary debut for an author who grew up home-schooled in sod igloo on the Kobuk River. Kantner won the prestigious Whiting Writers’ Award for the novel, and began work on a second book – this time non-fiction – called Shopping for Porcupine.
Kantner will be in Sitka Tuesday (06-15-09), at Kettleson Memorial Library, to read from his new book. KCAW’s Robert Woolsey spoke recently with Kantner about the need to separate fact from fiction in Ordinary Wolves, by writing a memoir:
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