Mt. Edgecumbe’s award-winning Radio Club, l to r: Tristan Bradley, Stephen Courtright (faculty advisor), Daniel Active, Stacey Davis, Cole Johnson (standing), Anthony Lekanof, Sam Clark, Khan Overcast (Club President). (KCAW Photo/Rebecca LaGuire)
Mt. Edgecumbe High School’s Radio Club has been named one of this year’s Spirit of Youth award winners. The Anchorage-based organization annually recognizes about twenty youth age 12-19 for improving the quality of life in their communities or solving social problems. Spirit of Youth had this to say about the Radio Club: “Mt. Edgecumbe Radio Club hosts a youth-led, hour-long monthly radio show on the local public radio station. The show connects the Sitka community to the student community, breaking down youth stereotypes.” You can hear the club at a new time beginning this weekend, 4PM on the Sunday Potluck. The club takes the slot every-other-Sunday, and offers a mixture of commentary, and live and recorded music.