KCAW 2012-13 Post-Graduate Fellow Anne Brice, with reporter Ed Ronco.

KCAW 2012-13 Post-Graduate Fellow Anne Brice, with reporter Ed Ronco.

Anne Brice, Raven Radio’s first Post-Graduate Fellow in Community Journalism, completed her 30-week assignment at the station today (5-29-13). Her work covered a wide range of stories: everything from the Alaska Day Parade to a multi-part series on teens in transitional foster care. A story she covered on a local protest over genetically-modified foods was picked up by NPR News. To view more of Anne’s stories for KCAW, search her name on this website.

When we designed the post-graduate fellowship, we planned for many things, but not for saying goodbye to a colleague and friend. Lucky for us, Anne has decided to remain in Sitka. She’ll begin work as a prevention specialist at Sitkans Against Family Violence (SAFV) in July.

Anne earned her Master’s Degree from the University of California Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism in 2012. We’ve already started advertising for her replacement for 2013-14. Warning to potential applicants: The bar is very high, Duuders!