Here in Sitka, we marked the end of the visitor season with the 20th Annual Running of the Boots – Sitka’s answer to the “Running of the Bulls” in Spain. It combines a very short road race with a very elaborate costume contest. 104 people registered for the race this year. Everyone from Darth Vader to Princess Peach gathered in their XtraTuf boots beneath St. Michael’s Cathedral at 10:30 Saturday for the sprint down Lincoln Street.


The first Running of the Boots on September 17th, 1995. Ken Fate, with boot in hand, explains the starting signal to 60 participants outside the Teen Resource Center. Funds went to Dog Point Fish Camp. (Daily Sentinel/Reber Stein)


Lily the sunflower (KCAW photo/Emily Kwong)

After the race, Emily Kwong caught up with Congressman Don Young enjoying a fresh apple from the Sitka Local Foods network.


Fresh produce from the Sitka Local Foods Network (KCAW photo/Emily Kwong)


Congressman Don Young enjoying the festivities (KCAW photo/Emily Kwong)