State House candidates Jonathan Kreiss-Tomkins, left, and Steven Samuelson, right, march in the 2014 Alaska Day Parade. Both addressed issues at a recent forum in Sitka. (KCAW photo/Rachel Waldholz)
Candidates for the Sitka-based state House district spoke at the Greater Sitka Chamber of Commerce luncheon on Friday (10-17-14). Sitka Incumbent Democrat Jonathan Kreiss-Tomkins and Petersburg Republican challenger Steven Samuelson fielded a mix of questions, some provided in advance by the Chamber and others sourced from the audience. Dan Jones moderated the conversation and each candidate was given three minutes to answer each question. A blind draw with straws began the forum with Samuelson.
Petersburg Republican Samuelson and Sitka Democrat Kreiss-Tomkins made a three-minute opening statement.
What are your top three legislative priorities?
With redistricting, Southeast Alaska has less representation than we did before. How will you ensure we are fairly represented at the state level?
How should the state report natural resource development in Southeast?
How do you propose to fund electrical and communication infrastructure in Southeast Alaska?
Lay out your thoughts on the future of the Alaska Marine Highway System in Southeast Alaska and how to ensure reliable service to Sitka.
If Medicaid expansion could create a few hundred jobs and provide insurance for thousands at federal expense for two years, why not use it?
If there was an effort made here in the Sitka regarding mining exploration, would you support that effort?
Could you tell us about your strategy for building coalitions with other state lawmakers?
What would you like to accomplish to ensure the future of fishing in Alaska?
Discuss the alcohol tax in Sitka, which is capped at 6%. Do you have other ideas for acceptable local tax revenue?
What is your stance on raising the minimum wage?
There is a striking distinction between the candidates use of donors’ money in this campaign. The question referred to an APOC finance report showing Kreiss-Tomkins paid more than $17,000 to staff hired as consultants. Please explain your use of donor funds.
Kreiss-Tomkins was asked why he voted to cut the Alaska Marine Highway System budget by 5-6 million in his first legislative session and where the money went.
Samuelson and Kreiss-Tomkins were asked where they stood on second amendment rights. On the NRA mail-out, Samuelson had a question mark and Kreiss-Tomkins had a B+ rating.
Each candidate was invited to make a closing statement.