Bob Sam is running for the Sitka Tribe of Alaska Tribal Council. He first served in the mid-90s. (Emily Kwong/KCAW photo)
Bob Sam is one of five candidates running for four seats on tribal council, along with Rachel Moreno, Lillian Feldpausch, Michael Miller, and Wilbur Brown.
My name is Bob Sam and I’m running for Sitka Tribe of Alaska Tribal Council.
I decided to run this year because I believe in the tribal citizen and their capacity to practice their sovereign rights and responsibility.
I believe that they shine when they stand up and present themselves with a a lot of dignity and respect.
I believe in the tribal citizen and their ability to make major decisions on their life.
I also believe in their capacity to do a really great job, whether they’re on Tribal Council or even a director of a program.
I believe more tribal citizens should be directors so they can fully understand what it’s like to make major decisions that affect many people.
Tribal citizens should experience more of their sovereignty and really enjoy their life as a tribal citizen in this community, so we can thrive as a people and not just survive and get by.
We live in this community and we should do the best we can to make the quality of life much better each day that we live.
That’s a very short statement on why I would like to run for Tribal Council is to participate in our daily life. Thank you.
Candidate statements are a listener service of Raven Radio. All candidates have been given the opportunity to publish a statement.
Tribal Citizens can visit the Sheet’ka Kwaan Naa Kahidi between 8 AM and 8 PM on Election Day, November 11th to vote. Absentee ballots are available at the Sikta Tribe of Alaska.