Putz previously served a one-year term on the assembly, in 2012-2013. The choice for most assembly members boiled down to Christianson’s performance in last October’s election (he came in only 19 votes behind) versus gender diversity and Putz’s assembly track record. Tristan Guevin said he wasn’t really comfortable with the idea of an assembly appointment in the first place. “This is really the purview of the electorate,” he said.
Putz wins assembly appointment
the resignation of Phyllis Hackett last month. Putz was elected on the second ballot by members Tristan Guevin, Ben Miyasato, Mayor Mim McConnell, and Steven Eisenbeisz. Runner-up in balloting was former three-term assembly member Thor Christianson.
The Sitka Assembly tonight (1-2-15) name Michelle Putz to fill the vacancy created by