Violinist Mads Tolling played variations of traditional Danish music with his innovative bowing techniques. (Mike Hicks/KCAW photo)
This past weekend (Feb. 5, 2015 – Feb. 7, 2015 ), the sounds of brass instruments and scat vocals filled the hallways and concert venues of Sitka.
In its 20th year, the annual festival is an opportunity to feature guest musicians from around the world in evening performances, while filling the afternoons with jazz workshops for students around the state. According to Director Mike Kernin, guest musicians hailed from New York, Los Angeles, Atlanta, San Francisco, South Africa, and throughout Alaska to share their jazz talents.
On Stage (Slideshow)
In the Classroom and Behind the Scenes (Slideshow)
Westmark Sitka Friday Evening Concert
Student Concert 4:30pm
Blatchley Middle School Jazz Band II directed by Mike Kernin
Haines ManSounds directed by Kristy Totten
Lathrop High School Jazz Band directed by TJ Hovest
Shoenbar Middle School Jazz Band directed by Mary Kurth
Juneau-Douglas High School Jazz Band directed by John Unzicker
Guest Artist Concert 7:30pm
United States Air Force Band of the Pacific-Asia Jazz Combo
DeWayne Pate Trio
Blatchley Middle School Jazz Band I featuring Glenn Kostur, directed by Mike Kernin
Sikta High School Jazz Band featuring Darren English, directed by Sarah Martinson
Mads Tolling
Alaska Airlines Saturday Evening Concert
Student Concert 4:30pm
Floyd Dryden Middle School Jazz Band directed by Michael Bucy
West Valley High School Jazz Band directed by Liesl Weitgrefe
Ketchikan High School Vocal Jazz Ensemble directed by Trina Purcell
Petersburg High School Jazz Band directed by Matt Lenhard
Thunder Mountain High School Jazz Band directed by Brian Van Kirk
Guest Artist Concert 7:30pm
Harris Air All-Alaska Jazz Band directed by Glenn Kostur
Darren English with The Dewayne Pate Trio
Sitka Studio of Dance
Sitka High Vocal Jazz Ensemble directed by Sarah Martinson
USAF Band of the Pacific-Asia Jazz Combo with special guests