
The fixed bus routes, also known as the RIDE, celebrated its 10th anniversary in 2012. (Photo courtesy of the Center for Community website)

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Connie Sipe, the Executive Director of the Center for Community, is part of the effort to draft Sitka’s coordinated transit plan, which is open for public comment through Monday, June 15.

This draft plan, called the 2015-19 Sitka Public Transit-Human Services Transportation Coordinated Plan, is updated every five years and used by various agencies in Sitka when they apply for transportation-related grants. Sipe discusses the purpose of the plan, funding picture, and her hopes for public and paratransit in Sitka.

A copy of the prepublication draft of the coordinated plan can be picked up at the Center for Community office, 700 Katlian St., Suite B, or at the Sitka Tribe of Alaska main office, 456 Katlian St. (upstairs). The draft plan also is posted on the Center for Community website at

Public comments can be emailed to Center for Community Transit Project Assistant Charles Bingham at by Monday, June 15. A summary of comments then will be presented to Sitka Tribe of Alaska, which will hear a resolution approving the draft plan at its regular tribal council meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, June 17, at the Sheet’ká Kwáan Naa Kahídi. The tribal council meeting is open to the public and will include a time for public comment on the plan.