The budget deficit for the City and Borough of Sitka is estimated to be $900,000 this year. And as oil prices drop, Sitka is unlikely to receive much state funding. How will Sitka make due? The Assembly appointed a Citizens’ Task Force to tackle the problem and the group is ready to unveil their solution: “The Grand Bargain”
Tune in Monday (03-21-16) at 10 a.m. for a half-hour special with Rob Allen, Cindy Gibson, and Hugh Bevan, three members of the Task Force to talk about the “Grand Bargain.” Full audio here.
This multi-tier proposal recommends raising the cap on property taxes by two mils. In exchange, the Task Force proposes eliminating the sales tax on groceries and subsidizing the electric fund, to keep rates from increasing beyond 5% this year.
Draft of the Grand Bargain spreadsheet
Website for the Citizens’ Task Force
The Citizens’ Task Force will host a town hall meeting on Monday (03-21-16) at 6 p.m. in room 229 of the University of Alaska to present the Grand Bargain to the public. Raven Radio will not be broadcasting the meeting live, but will provide full coverage in local news.