“Consumed” by artist Alexandra Dailey and model Coral Pendell at the 2015 Wearable Arts Show. Pendell performed a ballet down the runaway, modeling pages from books burned slightly at the edges. (Emily Kwong/KCAW photo)
Jeff Budd and Sarah Lawrie with the Greater Sitka Arts Council (GSAC) talk about the 8th Annual Wearable Arts Show, alongside frequent artist/model Bill Foster. The show features 28 different art pieces and about a third of the artists are new this year.
The Wearable Art show will be held 2 and 7 p.m. Saturday, March 26, at the Performing Arts Center. Sponsor Alaska Airlines will offer a raffle for two round-trip tickets to evening ticket holders. Eight of their customer service agents are in the show.
Matinee tickets are $15 for adults and $10 for kids. The evening show is $25 for adults and $10 for kids. The Wearable Arts Show is one of the hallmarks of Arti-Gras, a two-week celebration of art events in Sitka.