Carey Gagnon is an attorney with BakerHostetler, an energy firm, in Denver, Colorado. She received the highest marks during the city’s attorney interviews on Sunday (08-24-16). (Emily Kwong/KCAW photo)
The Assembly last night (08-23-16) approved two more marijuana business licenses, and learned that one of their top picks for municipal attorney has withdrawn her name.
Jeremy Erickson applied to open the cultivation facility “Vern’s Wicked Weed” in the 3800 block of Halibut Point Road near the Sea Mountain Golf Course. The other license is for Anna Cleaver, doing business as “Weed Dudes.” Her retail store location will be located in the 1300 block of Sawmill Creek Road. The address is in the same complex as the Downtown Coliseum movie theater.
The Assembly has already approved licenses for two other cultivation facilities, Northern Lights Indoor Gardens and Green Leaf, Inc. All applicants must first gain a license at the state level and the application is generally over 50 pages in length.
Assemblymen Bob Potrzuski said the state vetting process makes local approval easier. “The application process is really very, very rigorous and any questions that I had that I couldn’t get answered I got answered from the planning department.”
The Assembly also learned that the Carey Gagnon, the top candidate for the city attorney position, has withdrawn her application. In an email exchange with KCAW, she wrote that one of the Assembly’s questions during their Sunday interviews gave her pause.
Potrzuski: What has been your most significant achievement as Attorney?
Gagnon: Oh gosh. My most significant achievement as an Attorney is being a very valued and respected part of a nationally recognized energy practice. It underscores the value that I bring to the table, that others have also recognized.
Gagnon said her answer surprised her, and that “after a lot of soul searching,” she determined she wasn’t ready to leave the team at the Denver law firm where she now works. The Assembly scheduled a special meeting for tonight (08-24-16) to review their options as they continue the search for a new city attorney.
During his report, municipal administrator Mark Gorman announced that Lieutenant Jeff Ankerfelt will take over as Acting Police Chief for Fire Chief Dave Miller. Police Chief Sheldon Schmitt began extended family medical leave on August 12th. The Assembly also reimbursed the Harbor Fund for repairs to the float plane dock with $170,000 from the Southeast Economic Development Fund.
Included in the Assembly packet is a draft policy for Harrigan Centennial Hall. The new building, set to open in October, has seven meetings room, a kitchen, and an auditorium.
See the new policy here: Harrigan Hall Policy Final Draft
Compared to the 2011 Harrigan Centennial Hall Policy, rates for renting the whole building and the auditorium have increased. As for the meeting rooms, the cheapest room is $25 a day for non-profit organizations and $65 for commercial use. Under the previous policy in the old building, nonprofits could use unscheduled rooms for free during regular business hours.