UPDATE 4:30 PM, 10-31-16, Emily Kwong, KCAW
The city has postponed re-opening Jeff Davis Street in the evening hours.
On Friday (10-28-16), the city sent out a press release saying the road would be open from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. to through traffic. But residents on Jeff Davis Street voiced concerned about pedestrian safety.
The resurfaced road does not yet have sidewalks. Residents worried that passerby using the road could be struck by passing vehicles.
Dave Longtin, Senior Engineer for the City’s Planning Department, agreed it could pose a safety issue. In an e-mail to KCAW, he said the department decided that waiting another week to allow evening traffic was (quote) “the best way to go.”
The Jeff Davis Street project began in August and was designed to replace existing sewer infrastructure. In particular, the contractor – Coastal Excavation – swapped out a 50-year-old undersized water main with a new, larger diameter pipe. They are also widening the sidewalks, from four feet across the five feet across. As a result, the street will be one foot narrower. The sidewalk placement should be complete this week.
Longtin said Phase II of the project will begin in later winter, addressing issues in the stretch of road from Lincoln Street to John Brady Drive. Depending on weather, Longtin hopes the road will by fully paved in May.
UPDATE 5:00 PM, 10-28-16, Emily Kwong, KCAW
Jeff Davis Street will be open to through traffic in the evening hours.
The city closed half of the street in August for repairs. The contractor dug up the stretch of road from Sawmill Creek Street to John Brady Drive to replace existing infrastructure.
Now that the project is wrapping up, Jeff Davis will be open from 7 p.m. and 7 a.m. for traffic. The road will be closed during the day so the contractor can rebuild the sidewalks, which will be a foot wider, and prepare to shut down the project by wintertime.
Please call the city’s Public Works Department at 747-1804 for more information.