Bulevar Latino host Maite Lorente and Darryl Rehkopf celebrate, after a handful of afternoon calls helped Raven Radio meet its $85,000 spring pledge drive goal. The two joined nearly 40 programmers and volunteers in rallying the community – and listeners delivered. (Emily Kwong/KCAW photo)
Dollar by dollar, phone call by phone call…WE MADE THE GOAL!
Thank you KCAW listeners, from Sitka to Yakutat, Kake to Port Alexander, Pelican, Elfin Cove, Tenakee Springs, and Angoon. Your contributions mean $85,000 for Raven Radio, your community radio station. Our hearts are full and our piggy bank too. We look forward to continuing to serve you in the coming year.
Listen to the finish line moment here, with exuberant Bulevar Lation host Maite LRial and Darryl Rehkopf:
Did we miss you? It’s not too late! Pledge online here.