The total amount of shoreline showing herring spawn in Sitka Sound is now over 34 nautical miles.
After poor weather prevented flights last week, ADF&G was able to take to the skies over the weekend and recorded an additional 23 miles of spawn over last week’s total.
Active spawn increased along Sitka’s road system over the last three days, and now extends to Japonski Island. Additional spawning is visible along Kruzof Island, the Magouns, Krestof, Siginaka, and Big and Little Gavanski Islands. Today (4-10-17), ADF&G noted active spawn in Degroff Bay. On Saturday (04-08-17), herring predator activity was observed in Krestof Sound, Salisbury Sound, and the stretch from Hayward Strait to Fred’s Creek.
ADF&G measures the cumulative length of spawn by air, but uses divers to measure the width and concentration of eggs. The department is planning to conduct 50 dive transects of Sitka Sound coastline later this month.