In the aftermath of the weekend’s tragic events, the Sitka Assembly reduced its agenda for tonight’s meeting (05-09-17) from eleven items to three. The Assembly will open the floor for persons to be heard.
Those include approving a liquor license transfer for Baranof Island Brewing Company for its new location on Sawmill Creek Road and authorizing a lease for the continued operation of a coffee stand on Siginaka Way. The Assembly may also go into executive session to receive an update on a lawsuit. Former Mayor Marko Dapcevich is suing the city over contract procurement at the Gary Paxton Industrial Park.
The other items from the original agenda (170509_AssemblyAgenda) have been tabled until their May 23rd meeting. Those include establishing a utility subsidy program and re-writing permitting laws for known landslide zones. A planned tour of the pool facility, under construction at Mt. Edgecumbe High School, will be rescheduled at a future date.
The Assembly meets at 6 p.m. tonight. Raven Radio will join while it’s in progress after Alaska News Nightly.