Children play in the flood waters at Keet Gooshi Heen Elementary (Photo from video captured by Chelsea McLeod)

Heavy rainfall Tuesday afternoon left students on the Keet Gooshi Heen Elementary playground splashing in puddles that were a bit bigger than usual. But while some made the most of the showers, parents and school officials like Superintendent Mary Wegner were concerned.

“Michael Harmon, Dave Miller and I were in frequent communication last night and early this morning checking on it and making sure that it was going to be safe to have school at Keet today,” said Wegner.

According to city officials, Cutthroat Creek which runs behind Keet Gooshi Heen overflowed, causing the dramatic flooding in the playground. City crews worked late into the evening clearing the culvert and storm drain below the schools. Wegner is a bit less worried now that they’ve found the source.

“We didn’t know at first what was causing it, so the fact that it existed was a grave concern. But once we knew more that helped, then the rain stopped. Things are drying up pretty quickly,” Wegner said.

Classes at Keet Gooshi Heen remained in session today as crews began work to redirect flooded water back into the creek.

The city is buckling down to prepare for another round of heavy rains, with street crews working to ensure drains and other structures are clear and functioning properly.