“And now the bad news…” Following absentee counting, municipal clerk (and election official) Sara Peterson hands Ben Miyasato his copy of next Tuesday’s meeting packet, along with the 2018 Municipal Budget. (KCAW photo/Robert Woolsey)
Ben Miyasato has taken the one-year term on the Sitka Assembly.
Absentee ballot counting Friday afternoon (10-6-17) did not affect the outcome of last Tuesday’s municipal election in Sitka.
Election officials counted a total of 266 absentee ballots — enough to threaten Miyasato’s 72-vote lead over challenger Sheila Finkenbinder. However, Finkenbinder picked up only 109 absentee votes to Miyasato’s 103, leaving Miyasato safely in front.
There were no other significant changes to Tuesday’s election outcome as a result of absentee counting. Political newcomer Richard Wein and incumbent Steven Eisenbeisz each took a three-year term on the assembly with decisive margins.
Elias Erickson and Dionne Brady-Howard were both solidly endorsed by voters for Sitka School Board, also for three-year terms.
The Sitka Assembly will certify the results at its next regular meeting on Tuesday, October 10.