Sitka will host a biennial conference of Tlingit tribes and clans on the Sheldon Jackson Campus from October 13th to October 17th. The symposium brings together indigenous peoples across Southeast Alaska and their Canadian relatives, including tradition-bearer and fluent speakers of native languages. “Sharing Our Knowledge” began in Haines/Klukwan in 1993. See full schedule of events and more information on conference registration here.
Among the planned events are documentary screenings, 3D digitizations of Tlingit objects and spear throwers, a Tlingit spelling bee, presentations on language revitalization, healing through humour, museum studies, academic scholarship and more. The one-hour documentary, “Lineage: Tlingit Art Across Generations,” produced by 360 North and KTOO Public Media, features Sitka-based artists Teri Rofkar and Nick Galanin.
The Organizing Committee includes Jixeik (Gerry Hope, Executive Director); Kasoot (Dionne Cadiente-Laiti), Eech T’ei (Steve Henrikson), Guneiwtí (Marsha Hotch), Gooch Shaayí (Harold Jacobs), Gunaak’w (Sergei Kan), Kingeistí (David Katzeek), Xwaachgé Éesh (Harold Martin), K’ashdahein Éesh (Peter Metcalfe), Kaayistaan (Marie Olson), Sumiq (David Russell-Jensen), Shaagunasstaa (Bob Sam), and L Jáakk (Alice Taff)