Plastic bags, derelict vessels, and the future of Sitka Community Hospital are all on tap tonight (02-27-18) at the regular meeting of the Sitka Assembly.
See full agenda and all motions, ordinances, and resolutions here: 180227_Assembly
The Assembly will take up a conversation from two weeks ago about hiring outside consultants to guide the city-owned hospital through an RFP process.
Sarah Cave and Steven Huebner would be paid up to $100,000 to guide the city through vetting potential proposals for Sitka Community Hospital and selecting an affiliation partner. Cave and Huebner were previously paid $10,000 to draft the RFP, which has not yet been finalized. More information here: Motion Memo and Ord 2018-05
The Assembly will then pivot to the environment.
A grassroots environmental group called the Citizens’ Climate Lobby is pushing for a federal fee on carbon-based fuels. The fee would increase annually, with the aim of leveraging market forces to reduce carbon emissions. The policy then wants the revenue to be divided up among American households in the form of dividend payments.
The Sitka Assembly will consider a resolution to support that national carbon fee and dividend policy (Motion and Res 2018-04). They’ll also hold a discussion about plastic bags and whether to disincentive their use.
Michelle Putz with Bags for Change has been gathering data on public opinion. She told KCAW of the 250 adult residents surveyed at local grocery stores, 52% said they supported a fee on plastic bags that benefited the school district and electric fund. Meanwhile, 19% supported a ban, as happened in Wasilla this year.
Putz interprets this as the public asking for political action on plastic bags.
“We’d heard from a lot of people that they wanted us to do something to plastic, especially how many plastic bags are ending up on our beaches, on our shores, in the water, in our yards. But we didn’t know if it was going to be ban or fee. It was really interesting in this poll to see it was definitely fee,” Putz said.
The Assembly will not take any action on plastic bags, but may give direction to city staff. They’ll also hold a discussion about a hiring freeze for city employees and review several requests.
Harbor master Stan Eliason wants support for Senate Bill 92, which would hold boat owners accountable for abandoning their vessels (Res 2018-03). The Sitka Playground Committee is seeking city support to apply for a $30,000 “Meet Me at the Park” grant from the National Recreation and Park Association and the Walt Disney Company (Res 2018-05). Also, the Northern Southeast Regional Aquaculture Association is requesting to expand its operation at the Gary Paxton Industrial Park through a lot lease (Motion and Memo NSRAA lease).
The Sitka Assembly meeting begins at 6 p.m. tonight in Harrigan Centennial Hall. Raven Radio will join KCAW’s Emily Kwong live, immediately following Alaska News Nightly.