Friday action at the Mt. Edgecumbe Invitational in Sitka. (KCAW photo/Robert Woolsey)

Top teams from around the state competed in the Mt. Edgecumbe Invitational over the weekend (Jan 16-19). Sentinel Sports editor Klas Stolpe describes some exciting play among athletes, many of whose high school years are long past. With KCAW’s Robert Woolsey.

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13th Annual Mt. Edgecumbe Invitational – Results

Men’s 45 Championship: Fairbanks 110 vs Klawock 73
Women’s Open Championship: Southeast Thunder 46 vs Juneau 45
Men’s 37 Championship: Wrangell 101 vs Klukwan 67
Men’s Open Championship: Hydaburg 94 vs Metlakatla 91