With a third lawsuit on the way, a conversation about workplace culture at the Sitka Police Department has made its way to the assembly table. SPD’s practices and procedures will be discussed at tonight’s (2/26/19) meeting of the Sitka Assembly, and assembly members may consider taking action, including a possible investigation of the department. Except for any action items, much of the deliberation could take place behind closed doors in executive session.
In January, Sitka Police Chief Jeff Ankerfelt asked the assembly to consider a $5 per hour wage increase for patrol officers along with other changes that would help the department retain more employees. But the conversation shifted to workplace culture at the department, when two officers, Mary Ferguson and Ryan Silva approached the assembly after the chief’s proposal was opened up to public comment. Both Silva and Ferguson are involved in discrimination lawsuits against the department.
The Northern Justice Project, which represents the pair, is expected to file a third lawsuit on behalf of yet another employee who alleges he suffered abuse as a result of misconduct by upper management in the department.
The assembly tonight will vote on a resolution in support of “Secure Rural Schools,” federal funding that pumped around $500,000 last year into the Sitka School District. The longtime program was cut from the federal budget in 2015, but was included in President Trump’s 1.3 trillion dollar spending bill in 2018. Secure Rural Schools is popular in Alaska and other western states, where many communities are surrounded by federal lands.
In other business, they’ll decide if they want to sell a roadside section of the right of way adjacent to 1318 Sawmill Creek Road for the owners of Grandma Tillies Bakery to expand their parking lot. And they’ll vote on whether to appoint Richard Doland and Steve Clayton to three year terms on the Building Department Appeals Board, along with Stephen Morse to a three year term on the Library Commission.
Raven News will broadcast tonight’s Sitka Assembly meeting live from Harrigan Centennial Hall at 6 p.m. following Alaska News Nightly.