The end of municipal budget season is near, and after several special budget meetings in April, the Sitka Assembly is reviewing next year’s municipal budget at their regular meeting this Tuesday (5/14/19).
The assembly will consider on first reading adoption of the general fund budget and department budgets for electric, water, wastewater, solid waste, and harbors.
Although some assembly members have voiced opposition to rate increases of any kind, both the wastewater and solid waste department budgets include rate increases. The assembly will also consider increasing permanent and temporary moorage rates.
The assembly will appoint a subcommittee to review all city staff positions when they become vacant. The measure to increase assembly oversight in hiring narrowly passed at a meeting in April, as a means to reduce the city budget through attrition.
The assembly will also reconsider the reappointment of Victor Weaver to a three-year term on the planning commission and Scott Saline’s reappointment to a three-year term on the historic Preservation Commission. This after the assembly voted unanimously to reappoint the two at their April 23rd meeting.
In other business, the assembly will consider amending city zoning code to loosen restrictions on the minimum lot size requirement, and vote on whether to approve the sale of the administration building at Gary Paxton Industrial Park to Patrick Barker Jr.
The Sitka Assembly meets at 6 p.m. Tuesday May 14, at Harrigan Centennial Hall. Raven Radio will broadcast that meeting live, following Alaska News Nightly.