Voters in Kake, Tenakee Springs, Pelican, Angoon, Port Alexander, and Hoonah went to the polls last night to vote on a variety of positions and ballot questions. As of Tuesday night, here are the unofficial results from those elections:
In Kake, Henry Copsey, Marla Howard, and Monica Ashenfelter won seats on the city council. Antonio Abbott and Michele Friday won school board seats. Kake also passed a $10 per fish box sales tax on charter fishing customers.
Voters in Tenakee Springs approved a proposition to allow the city to sell a property at a reduced rate. They also elected Craig Mapes, Stephen Lewis, Jeffrey Collins, and Nikita Chase to the city council.
In Pelican, Walter Weller prevailed in the mayoral race while Sandra Quinn and Michael Allard won city council seats. Two school board seats went to Philip Spencer and Lattieca Stewart.
Port Alexander had an all write-in ballot to fill seven city council seats. The unofficial results show the top vote-getters are Thomas Corso, Cory Gifford, Ryan Martin, Laura Pollard, Debra Gifford, Karina Browing, and Sarah Patrick.
Angoon voters elected Ed Jack Sr. and Albert Howard to the city council.
In Hoonah, Billy Joe Miller Jr., Amelia Wilson, and Miguel Contreras won city council seats. Amy Courtney won a seat on the school board and Sandra Howard was elected to the liquor board. Voters also OK’d the continuation of a one percent sales tax to fund school operations.
Again, these are unofficial results. They are subject to change and will be certified at a later date.