The future of Sitka’s smallest dwellings will be up for discussion when the assembly meets tonight. The group will consider updating city code to make space for tiny homes.
The city code would be amended to define tiny houses, both permanent and mobile, and create safety requirements for tiny homes and options for their placement in mobile home parks and on private lots.
The recommendation to update the city code to include tiny homes was passed by the planning commission on a 3-2 vote in December.
The assembly will also consider a request to rezone several lots owned by Halibut Point Marine from industrial to commercial. According to a memo from the city planning department, owners of Halibut Point Marine, Sitka’s private cruise ship terminal, plan to install a brewery, restaurant, and additional retail on the lots where the company currently operates a marine haulout. Owner Chris McGraw has confirmed that the company is closing the marine haulout in the next couple of years. The operation is the only haulout in Sitka and is integral to Sitka’s fishing fleet. A proposed plan to build a haulout at the Gary Paxton Industrial Park is in limbo right now.
And the group will consider raising the pay for the library director- it’s currently the lowest paid city department head position at just over $71,156. If approved, the pay would jump to $82,014.
At the end of the meeting, the group will go behind closed doors to discuss personnel matters involving the Sitka Police Department.
In other business, the Sitka Assembly:
-Will vote on the proposed process to update the city seal through a local design contest
-Will consider a $535,000 grant application to the Department of Homeland Security and Emergency management
-Will consider a water agreement between the city and Northern Southeast Regional Aquaculture Association (NSRAA)
-Will consider reappointing Jere Christner to a three-year term on the Investment Committee and appointing Sandra Fontaine to a three-year term on the Library Commission
-Will consider liquor license renewal applications for Talon Charters, Inc, and Westmark Sitka Hotel