A screen shot of ADF&G’s new interactive Daily Herring Spawn map in Sitka Sound. A similar map, the Daily Sitka Sound Herring Survey, shows the locations of major herring predators like whales and sea lions, as well as the gps track of the survey flight. Clicking on the yellow lines will open a photo of the spawn, if one is available. (KCAW screen capture)
The Alaska Department of Fish & Game has developed a pair of interactive tools to help the public stay on top of where herring are spawning in Sitka Sound. The Sitka Sound Daily Herring Spawn is a step up from the diagrams that the department has published in the past. The Sitka Sound Herring Survey identifies where the major predator groups (whales and sea lions) are congregating, and shows the gps track of the ADF&G aerial survey.
The maps are still in beta development; the department is soliciting user feedback. Email comments to aaron.dupuis@alaska.gov.