The Sitka Assembly is holding an emergency meeting, Thursday (4/23/20), to discuss the city’s current pandemic-related orders and how they align with Governor Mike Dunleavy’s plan to open up parts of the state economy for business, beginning this Friday.
The assembly recently extended its local shelter-in-place order through May 12. And it passed a local directive requiring all people traveling to Sitka to quarantine for 14 days. Under that order, businesses that hire workers from outside Sitka must submit protection plans to the city.
On Thursday, it will discuss how the governor’s economic reopening phases fit with current local mandates. After discussion, the assembly could rescind both local mandates. Any action on the emergency ordinances requires a vote of 5 assembly members in order to pass.
Residents who want to submit public comment on the ordinance but do not wish to attend the meeting in person must do so before 4 p.m. Thursday by emailing clerk AT city of Sitka DOT org or by signing up for telephonic testimony by calling the clerk’s office at 747-1826.
The Sitka Assembly meets Thursday (4-23-20) at 6 p.m. via ZOOM. Livestream the meeting here.