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My name is Stephen Courtright and I’m a volunteer for the Recall Dunleavy effort. Our effort first came together over actions taken by Gov. Mike Dunleavy that violated the Alaska Constitution and failed to follow state law. Tens of thousands of Alaskans have joined this movement because they love Alaska and want to see this governor held accountable.
Since last summer, the Recall Dunleavy movement has been incredible, collecting an historic number of signatures in record-breaking time for the recall application, back in the fall of 2019. Signature-gathering for the petition — the second round of signatures needed to put the recall on the ballot — was just getting started earlier this spring when COVID-19 hit the United States and put a stop to all meetings, including those aimed at getting signatures.
The good news is that most people who signed in Round 1 have come back out to sign in Round 2. However, some haven’t yet, and the number of signatures needed from registered voters is much higher in this round. In order to give folks a chance to sign, recall organizers have planned a drive-thru event Saturday, June 13, at the Hames Center parking lot. Any Alaska voter who has yet to sign can drive up between noon-2 P.M. and volunteers will assist with no-contact petition signing. Anyone wishing to know more about this effort should contact Jeff Budd at 747-4821. We look forward to seeing you on the 13th.
I’m Stephen Courtright. Thank you for your time and consideration.