Both city and Sitka Tribe applications for CARES Act funding went live this week.
Sitkans can now apply for utility and moorage subsidies through the city. Households that qualify will receive a one time $1000 deposit to their utility accounts. Businesses will receive $3000.
The process is relatively simple: applicants just need to check a box verifying that their household or business has been economically impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Separate applications for utility and moorage subsidies are available at city hall, but the city is encouraging people to fill out the forms online, if possible. The deadline to apply is July 31.
Sitka Tribe of Alaska received over $7 million in CARES Act funding, and some of that money is going directly to its citizens. All Tribal citizens will receive a one-time cash payment of $250, regardless of residency or age.
Tribal citizens who reside in Sitka qualify for an additional $1500 payment, per household, intended for mortgage or rent assistance. Citizens currently living outside of Sitka qualify for a $500 dollar payment.
The deadline to apply for CARES Act funding through the Tribe is September 30th- and requests will be processed on a rolling basis.
Apply for the CARES Act Utility Subsidy
Apply for the CARES Act Moorage Subsidy
Apply for Sitka Tribe of Alaska’s CARES Act Financial Assistance