Hi I am Frank Lee Jimmy also known as (Leo) or Leo Jimmy. My Tlingit name is “Daaxhkhoodein”.
I am 53 years old, am a father, was born in Anchorage AK, and grew up in southeast Alaska. Moved here to Sitka in 2012, love it here from day one .
Started working at Sitka Tribe of Alaska in 2012 , started with tribal tours and eventually moved into Sitka Tribal Enterprises, currently working as the building attendant and more at the community house and on call.
Also work at the Chamber of Commerce as janitor and more on call.
Things I enjoy are bike riding and time with my son Jr .
I am running for assembly to help make Sitka the best it can be and to also give it a native voice, and help in all communications with the agencies to pull together in this time of this pandemic.
Am looking at treatment first, communications, government to government, the budget, the hall-out.
I am not about raising bills as the cost of living in Sitka is oh ready way too high for the average person!
Looking at what CAN be done in 2021 in a positive manner and with best respect to all.