When the Sitka Assembly meets tonight (9-22-20), it will consider declaring an economic emergency due to COVID-19 and poor salmon returns this fishing season.
City Administrator John Leach brought forth the resolution, which asks the assembly to declare an ‘economic disaster in the city of Sitka due to COVID-19 and poor regional salmon returns this fishing season.’ In passing it, the assembly would also urge the state and federal governments to issue similar declarations.
The group will also consider appointing one of three applicants to the Police and Fire Commission. Currently there are 15 vacant seats on nine of Sitka’s local commissions, and the city has had trouble filling those seats. But at its last meeting, the assembly rejected the appointment of Ben Hughey to a vacant police commission seat.
Just two weeks later, three more Sitkans have applied–Samuel Pointer Jr., Wayne Young, and Gary Oines will be considered for the slot.
It will also consider appointing Wendy Alderson to the Planning Commission, and either Vaughn Morrison or Chris Ystad to a term on the Gary Paxton Industrial Park Board of Directors.
In other business, the assembly will hear a six month report from SEARHC CEO Charles Clement, and will consider several artist submissions for the city seal redesign project. And it will consider a hire offer for Craig Warren to lead the Sitka Fire Department.
The Sitka Assembly meets tonight at 6 p.m.. Raven News will broadcast the meeting live, following Alaska News Nightly.