Sitka’s 2020 municipal election is only about halfway done: Over 1,700 early/absentee ballots will be counted on Wednesday afternoon, October 7, in Harrigan Centennial Hall. (KCAW photo/Berett Wilber)

Sitka’s 2020 Municipal Election will be remembered as extraordinary for several reasons: Many candidates (13 in all) with highly divergent ideologies and views, a record turnout for a municipal election with no ballot propositions, and a pandemic.

From 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday, Municipal Clerk Sara Peterson and her team counted just under 1700 early ballots and the results listed below have been updated with the early vote counts. The gaps in some races that were close on Tuesday have widened, establishing clear victors for mayor, assembly, and school board. 41 question ballots and 28 remaining absentee ballots will be counted on Friday. The results are still unofficial until they are certified.

Sitka 2020 Municipal Election Preliminary Returns
Mayor (elect one)Sitka No. 1Sitka No. 2October 7 (Early Votes)Total
Steven Eisenbeisz39740410301831
Gary Paxton, incumbent4203536251398
Assembly (elect two)
Crystal Duncan42243610831941
Rebecca Himschoot36335810501771
Amy Bethune277247373897
Marshall Albertson277210313800
Diana Dapcevich120130198448
Frederick Olsen Jr.5543133231
Steve Lee433964146
Leo Jimmy22243985
School Board (elect two)
Andrew Hames, incumbent63661113822629
Blossom Twitchell, incumbent3523549431649
Cass Pook3903586851433