The Sitka School District has locked its new superintendent into a three-year contract. In late February, the Sitka School Board met with Frank Hauser to negotiate behind closed doors. According to a district press release, they finalized the contract with a $140,000 starting salary.
Hauser is the principal of Service High School in Anchorage, and he brings 23 years of education experience to the job. In February, he was chosen from three finalists to lead Sitka’s schools, replacing interim Superintendent John Holst. When the Sitka School Board met on Wednesday (3-3-21), Hauser joined via Zoom to discuss his background and educational philosophy.
“Throughout my career as an educator, I’ve had one very simple principle that guides all of my decisions. What’s best for kids? That will continue to be the principle that guides my decisions as superintendent of Sitka,” he said. “From everyone I’ve spoken with there, I know that principle guides the community too.”
Hauser said he was encouraged by comments at last week’s Sitka Assembly meeting, when the group voted to fund Sitka’s Schools to the cap.
He said his leadership style is collaborative, and doesn’t adhere to the traditional “top down” approach.
“One thing I do not believe in is a top-down approach. It is a well-researched reality that top-down approaches in leadership are not successful, especially in education,” he said. “I want you to know I’m committed to listening, learning and doing everything I can to support students, staff and families in the Sitka School District.”
Hauser will begin working as superintendent on July 1, but he will participate in strategic planning with the Sitka School District this spring.