Our Spring Membership Drive, while still virtual for the most part, included some fun surprises and a return to form. Thanks to members like you, we met our $100,000 goal! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Sitka’s beloved Belly Meat played live, in studio, for the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic started.
Guest Stars!
We were thrilled to welcome former reporters Ed Ronco and Emily Kwong back to the KCAW airwaves! Ed kicked off the drive with Kayla Boettcher on Monday, April 5th and Emily pitched our last ATC shift with Molly Blakey on Friday, April 10th!
Special Programming!
In addition to Belly Meat’s live performance, we enjoyed special editions of Root Cellar, Aurora Borealis, Ridin’ for the Brand, Sitka Tells Tells, and Indigenous and Other Expressions!

Happy Hour Spectacular!
The Happy Hour special you’ve come to know and love was particularly thrilling this pledge drive as we went into overtime and met our goal! Andrew Hames was joined by a long list of guests including brother Roger, mother Mary, and Mayor Steven Eisenbeisz!

Drawing Winners!
Congratulations to the winners of our prize drawings. Kathleen and Harvey Brandt won the Alaskan Dream Cruises prize from our Quiet Drive, and Grace Brooks won the Alaska Seaplanes prize from our monthly sustainer drawing.