Pacific High School held a private, in-person graduation ceremony on Saturday afternoon (5-15-21) in Sitka. Ten PHS seniors crossed the Harrigan Centennial Hall stage to receive their diplomas.

In alphabetical order, the graduates are: Eric Alvarado, Lindsey Bartolaba, Melissa Gibson, Jayvan Iya-Kowchee, Douglas Johnson, Madison Roy-Mercer, Elizabeth Newell, George Stevenson, Chelsea Taylor, and Korbin Tugmon.

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the ceremony was closed to the public, masks were encouraged at the event, and families in the audience were spaced out throughout the auditorium. Students wore matching blue graduation robes and masks.

Although scaled down from pre-pandemic years, the 2021 graduation was a step up from last year, when the class of 2020 graduated in a virtual ceremony over Zoom. While most guests attended the Class of 2021 graduation in person, some still attended virtually.