Sitka recorded its second death of the coronavirus pandemic on Monday (7-19-21).

Friends and family started a GoFundMe campaign to cover funeral expenses for John Ricaporte, which states he died from complications of COVID-19. The account has generated almost $7,000 in two days.

Meanwhile, the number of active cases in Sitka have reached 208, as health officials posted another 37 cases Tuesday afternoon.

All but two of the 37 patients are residents. All were experiencing symptoms at the time of testing. Fourteen of the patients were vaccinated at the time they received their positive results.

The City of Sitka Covid Dashboard now reports that over 74% of eligible Sitkans are now partially vaccinated; and almost 70% are fully vaccinated.

State health officials stress that vaccination remains the best defense against COVID-19 in all its variants. And while “breakthrough cases” will occur among a small fraction of the vaccinated population, breakthroughs tend to be much milder than the disease experienced by unvaccinated people.