Hi, my name is Dave Miller, and I am running for Assembly. In the 33 years that I have lived in Sitka, I’ve always tried to do whatever I could to help Sitka be a great place to live. I’ve enjoyed doing this throughout my working career and want to continue.
There are a number of issues that are affecting Sitka at this time and I believe if we come together, we can come up with ways to keep our community safe and continue to be special and unique.
The State is going through budget issues that are affecting Sitka and we need to make sure that our community survives.
We have a great school system and we need to be able to keep it funded.
Covid-19 has taken its toll both mentally and financially and we need to be able to get through this and carry on
We need to adequately fund the infrastructure that we currently have. Everything from buildings to electrical generation.
These are just a few of the issues that we have at this time, there are more, and we need to make sure that we are working on them all.
If I get elected to the Assembly, I will be available to the community to listen to what things are affecting you. I promise to listen to all sides of an issue, do my homework and do my best to keep Sitka the best place to live in Alaska.
The Municipal Election is Tuesday, October 5. Eligible voters may choose to vote using any of these available options: by-mail; advanced in-person at Harrigan Centennial Hall weekdays September 20 through October 4 (8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in meeting rooms 2 and 3); by fax; personal representative; and in-person on Election Day at Harrigan Centennial Hall from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Applications to vote by-mail must be received by the Municipal Clerk’s Office no later than September 28. For more voting information, call the Municipal Clerk’s Office at 747-1811.