Kevin Mosher is one of three candidates running for two open seats on the Sitka Assembly. Sitka’s municipal election is Tuesday, October 5.

Hello, my name is Kevin Mosher. I am asking for your vote as I run for my second term on the Sitka Assembly. During my first campaign, I promised to work to decrease the cost of local government, to foster sound fiscal management of city resources, and to help Sitka businesses grow by supporting our maritime industries, fostering year-round tourism, and leveraging Sitka’s historical and cultural resources.

Three years ago, none of us could have predicted the impact that the pandemic would have on our local economy and government. While COVID-19 created enormous fiscal challenges for residents, businesses and the City, I feel that my work on the Assembly put us in a better position to respond and recover from the pandemic than we were when I started. I advocated for new leadership in City Hall and emphasized the importance of experience in management and budgeting. We made reductions to the City budget. And we hired a lobbyist in D.C., after many years without a voice in our nation’s capital.

The most important thing I’ve learned in my first term is the value of teamwork. I have good relationships and open lines of communication with all of my fellow Assembly members and our town administrator. We are pushing hard to get projects completed that could increase City revenue, which in turn will help residents. If re-elected, I will continue to advocate for fiscal responsibility and economic growth, positively, collaboratively, as a member of a team!

The Municipal Election is Tuesday, October 5. Eligible voters may choose to vote using any of these available options: by-mail; advanced in-person at Harrigan Centennial Hall weekdays September 20 through October 4 (8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in meeting rooms 2 and 3); by fax; personal representative; and in-person on Election Day at Harrigan Centennial Hall from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Applications to vote by-mail must be received by the Municipal Clerk’s Office no later than September 28.  For more voting information, call the Municipal Clerk’s Office at 747-1811.