This week, Sitka Counseling’s HOPE Coalition and the Sitka Police Department are joining forces to share information about the dangers of fentanyl overdose. In collaboration with the Alaska Fentanyl Response Project, they will hold a community town hall this Thursday. Loyd Platson and Sandy Snodgrass joined KCAW’s Brooke Schafer to talk about fentanyl awareness and what Sitkans can do. Listen to the full interview here:
The town hall is 6 p.m. Thursday, April 25, in the assembly room of Harrigan Centennial Hall. National Drug Take-Back Day is Saturday, April 27; Sitkans can drop unused or expired prescription medications at the Sitka Public Library between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. For more information, email lplatson@scpsak.org or call 907-747-3636.