When the Sitka Assembly meets tonight (8-27-24), it will discuss whether to establish a permanent tourism commission, and what the responsibilities of the commission will be.

The assembly established the tourism task force last year, and the group worked toward helping the city develop its response to rapid growth in cruise tourism. After a year, the task force presented the assembly with a long list of recommendations, including establishing a permanent commission. 

The scope of the commission’s work will be broader than the task force’s. Instead of focusing on how the city should respond to rapid growth in the cruise sector, the commission will develop an annual review cycle for the city’s tourism operations and management plan.

At its meeting on August 13, four assembly members approved an ordinance to establish the commission on first reading, with plans to have a more robust discussion of the commission when more assembly members are present for the final reading.

In other business tonight, the assembly will consider a marijuana retail application for Island Girl Cannabis, and it will plan an upcoming work session to discuss the city’s visitor bureau services contract. 

The Sitka Assembly meets at 6 p.m. tonight at Harrigan Centennial Hall. Raven News will broadcast the meeting live, following Alaska News Nightly.