Amanda Williams

Age: 45 How many years have you lived in Sitka and in Alaska? 3 years Occupation: Teacher Family: Family of 4

Have you previously run for public office? When and what office?

Previous government or other relevant experience:
Did not respond


Community involvement, past and present:
Did not respond


Why are you running for a seat on the Sitka School Board this year?

I decided to run for school board to join the conservations that will make a positive impact on Sitka School District operations. I feel that serving on the school board is a great way to make a meaningful contribution to the community and a positive difference in the lives of Sitka’s youth. Throughout, my life I have always loved school and loved learning new things. My educational journey has led me to a bachelors of science in biology and masters in teaching. I have been involved in education throughout my life, as a student, parent, and teacher. I have had the opportunity to teach at diverse levels K-12 and in several communities throughout Alaska. Through these experiences I have developed strong collaborative relationships with teachers, principals, and students giving me unique perspectives to add to the board.

What is the role of the school board in the functioning of the Sitka School District?
The role of the school board is to evaluate the needs of the district, to set policies, and create long range planning in order to establish an effective environment that maximizes the educational potential for students. This includes identifying the best interests of students, employees, and the community when making decisions about policies and procedures that impact the school district.




School board members are most often faced with decisions about class size, specifically “pupil:teacher ratios,” or PTRs. What PTRs do you support in the elementary, middle, and high school grade levels?
Pupil to Teacher ratios are dependent on many variables, including access to support staff and student needs, to have a one size fits all approach to PTRs is not beneficial to students or staff. When evaluating PTRs I believe it is important to consider many variables. One of those being grade level, students in early elementary are learning the fundamental ideals of what it means to be a student and need more supports to be successful. Additionally, access to materials and classroom space are also important to consider when thinking about PTRs. I also think it is important to consider the subjects that are being taught at the middle and high school level. Having large class sizes in subjects like science and art make it difficult to complete labs and other projects.


What other priorities do you have, if elected?
One role of the school board is to adopt instructional materials for the Sitka School District. As a board member, I will prioritize serving on curriculum committees, where I can collaborate with teachers and administrators to evaluate and adopt materials that will have positive impact on Sitka’s students. I have been interested in curriculum development for a long time. With my educational background and experience working with a wide variety of students I believe that I will have a lot to add to the curriculum conservations.

What, if any, strategies should the district pursue to help mitigate harm from the significant workforce reduction experienced by the district this year?
I believe creative thinking, transparency, and reorganization are key to mitigate the harmful effects of the recent workforce reductions. As a board member, I will advocate for policies that maximize the expertise of the professionals that remain in the Sitka School District. I have worked with many of these teachers and believe that they have so many wonderful attributes that will make our district stronger. Working with teachers to incorporate their hobbies into electives may give students the access to a variety of electives. Policies should support teachers giving them the resources they need to prepare for the classes that they are teaching.


Legislative advocacy

School board members typically represent the Sitka School District’s interests during trips to Juneau during the legislative session. If elected, what message would you take to meetings with Alaska’s lawmakers?
If presented with an opportunity to speak with legislators the message would be straight forward and focus on students. Our students are the future of our world. We need to secure opportunities for students to explore their talents and develop skills needed to become engaged citizens that think critically about issues and make informed decisions. Funding schools is essential to provide variety in course offerings, manageable PTRs, and influential experiences to students.



One issue of ongoing concern in the district is equity, and prioritizing the needs of underrecognized or marginalized students. How do you think the school board can support efforts to improve equity in Sitka’s schools?
One of my priorities for serving on the board is to participate in the curriculum committees and conversations involving instructional materials. Evaluating these resources for equitable representation of variety in cultures can impact equity in schools. Advocating for a variety in course offerings is so that all students have access to courses that they find engaging can have a positive impact on equity.



School board members are often asked to weigh the value of classroom instruction against the value of activities like sports, music, theater, etc. In your opinion, how important are activities in the educational mission of Sitka’s schools?
While I believe that instruction in the core courses is important, I also understand that for some students activities like sports, music, and theater can provide an important anchor to keep students in school. I believe that the experiences that are gained through these activities provide life long skill that is a commodity for students. As a board member I will advocate for variety in elective courses, clubs (like DDF, oceanbowl, chess, etc), and activities for students to be involved in


School Consolidation 

If Alaska’s governor continues to oppose increasing state funding for education, Sitka may be forced to consolidate schools a year from now. How should the board approach this difficult problem?
The board must insist on transparency and fiscal accountability when approaching the upcoming round of legislative funding. As a board member, I will advocate for policies that reevaluate our budget for cost saving opportunities. If Sitka is forced to consolidate schools the board needs to be transparent communicating effectively with staff and the community about its intentions, evaluate teacher credentials carefully, and be sure to make informed decisions that put students first.