Repairs have been made to the broken subsea fiber optic cable that took Sitka offline over two weeks ago, but it could be several days until cellular service and internet access are totally restored.

In an email today (9-13-24) GCI spokesperson Josh Edge told KCAW that the British flagged repair ship, the Cable Innovator, successfully completed splicing work on the damaged cable this morning. Once they finish testing the cable, the ship will position the repaired segment back on the seafloor and GCI will begin the process of getting Sitka back online. (Note: As of Friday evening, 9-13-24, GCI now says testing of the cable is complete, and service will be gradually returned to normal over the next few days.)

Right now, GCI is using a backup system– a combination of satellite and microwave technology– to provide basic internet and texting, though Sitkans have reported varied access to those services, from spotty to nonexistent, often depending on the cell provider and location. The company’s statement today warned that the process of shifting Sitka’s internet back to fiber optic is complicated and could take several days to fully restore service. 

Sitka has been offline since the cable between Sitka and Angoon broke on August 29. Repairs this week were delayed slightly on Wednesday (9-11-24) due to high winds. The last time a fiber optic cable broke in 2016, Sitka was offline for 12 days.