Since the regular assembly meeting would have landed on Christmas Eve this year, the Sitka Assembly agreed to move its second meeting of December to tonight, a Monday (12-30-24). One of the few items on its agenda is a “letter of interest” from the Alaska Longline Fishermen’s Association to partner with the city on a climate resilience project for Sitka’s fishing fleet.

ALFA wants to pursue a collaborative project to develop an energy audit for Sitka’s seafood processors. The project would cost around $100,000, and ALFA is seeking grant funding from the Climate Smart Community Initiative.

In other business, the assembly will consider an update to city code on the library commission. According to a memo, the code has not been updated to reflect a shift to city management of the library in the 1970s. The code updates would remove language that gave the commission the responsibility to supervise and care for the library and buildings, and make rules for the library.

The Sitka Assembly meets at 6 p.m. tonight. Raven News will broadcast the meeting live, following Alaska News Nightly.