The Alaska Department of Fish and Game is looking for herring in Sitka Sound ahead of the Sitka Sound Sac Roe herring fishery. Fisheries biologists began aerial surveys last week, and the state’s research vessel, the Kestrel, arrived in Sitka on Tuesday (3-18-25).

The harvest level for this year’s commercial fishery is set at 36,720 tons. That’s 20% of the state’s estimated mature herring population. Last year the state set a record harvest level of over 80,000 tons, based on the state’s highest ever predicted mature herring population, though seiners ended up catching only a fraction of the allowed fish. The state’s record estimate ended up being much higher than the actual herring return, which the state later acknowledged in a report released before the Alaska Board of Fisheries met this spring.  

According to the latest press release on Tuesday (3-18-25), no herring schools or spawn have been observed from the skies, but the Kestrel and industry vessels reported numerous schools in shallower waters along the Kruzof Island shoreline, and smaller schools from Halibut Point to Watson Point.

ADF&G will hold a meeting from 5:30-7 p.m. Wednesday to share information about its management plan for the fishery this spring.