Aerial view of the Starrigavan boat launch, looking south. (ADF&G photo)

Aerial view of the Starrigavan boat launch, looking south. (ADF&G photo)

After a week or so of relative quiet, the Alaska Department of Fish & Game observed nearly 3 miles of active herring spawn in Sitka Sound over the weekend. Area management biologist Dave Gordon reported “Spawn in Mosquito Cove and Katlian Bay light and dissipating. Spawn developing in Salisbury Sound from Marine Cove and north with a little spot inside of St John Baptist Bay. A light spawn on Point Brown in Hayward Strait as well as a small but intense start inside of Rob Pt. A good spawn going right off of Fred’s Creek, with several groups of sea lions outside the reef to the south of Fred’s Creek.” The department uses spawn mapping and dive surveys to study egg deposition and to help forecast next year’s biomass.