Author: Angela Denning, CoastAlaska

Study shows “stray” hatchery salmon could change wild runs

A new study on hatchery pink salmon shows that some “stray” fish mingle with wild stocks and could alter the timing of wild runs. And that could lead to less productive runs in the future. The study is part of a decade-long effort to understand the pros and cons of Alaska’s hatchery industry.

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Southeast residents ask for more ferry service to outlying communities

“For our elders that struggle to get up climb on and off a plane, sometimes they just, they miss their appointments," said Lloyd David, mayor of Kake. "They miss these trips and whatnot because they're gonna wait for that ferry because they can't get on and off on those planes and the high costs we pay to fly around out of Kake.”

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Hoonah gives residents bear-resistant trash cans but most of Southeast Alaska can’t afford them

“I don't foresee realistically a bear spending 10 minutes on one trash can trying to get into it," said ADF&G Wildlife Biologist Stephen Bethune. "They usually just knock over the can, it spills open, and they grab a bag that falls out and run off with it into the woods. So even a very resistant can is going to not provide that immediate food resource and the bear’s eventually going to learn that coming into town isn't paying off for him. It's too big of a risk.”

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