Author: Ed Ronco, KCAW

Sitka USCG aviator faces uncertain future

It’s impossible to predict what the investigating officer’s recommendations will be and whether Rear Adm. Thomas Ostebo, the convening authority in the case, will call for a court martial, discipline Leone administratively, or just drop the charges. That could be several months away.

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Hearing against Leone concludes after 3 days

(4:02 p.m. 12-9-11) Capt. Andrew Norris, the officer presiding over a military hearing against Coast Guard Lt. Lance Leone, will make a recommendation to Rear Adm. Thomas Ostebo, commander of the 17th Coast Guard District in Alaska. Ostebo will decide whether to drop the charges, pursue discipline internally, or through a court martial.

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Sitka committee rejects subsistence permit idea

The proposal was brought forward by the Southeast Herring Conservation Alliance. Executive director Steve Reifenstuhl says he introduced the idea for subsistence roe permits because claims of a poor harvest have been used as a wedge issue against the fishery.

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