Author: Ed Schoenfeld

Stedman takes on the stimulus question

Sitka Senator Bert Stedman says the legislature will not overturn Governor Sarah Palin's decision to reject stimulus funds tied to energy standards. But he says she should accept the funds. And he says concerns about "strings attached" were overblown.

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Landless Native legislation introduced again

Alaska Natives with roots in five Southeast communities would get their own village corporations under new federal legislation. Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski introduced the landless Native bill as part of a package aimed at improving the region’s economy.

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Market crash hits Sealaska revenues

The recession has cost Sealaska tens of millions of dollars. Leaders of the Southeast-based regional Native corporation says it’s still strong, with new businesses entering new markets. But its investments have dropped in value, which will affect shareholders’ dividends.Click on "more" to find a link to Sealaska’s annual report.

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Postcard: Mt. Edgecumbe's "tassle is worth the hassle"

Mt. Edgecumbe High School graduated eighty-eight students on Thursday (5-7-09). The state-run boarding school in Sitka serves students from towns across Alaska. It was standing-room only in Sitka’s performing arts center, as families and friends turned out to support the new grads. KCAW’s Robert Woolsey attended the ceremonies, and sent this audio postcard:

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Postcard: First cruisers enjoy Sitka's "islets"

The first cruise ship of the season arrived in Sitka on Wednesday (5-6-09) with about 1,700 passengers aboard. Many came ashore at Crescent Harbor to do a little sightseeing and shopping. KCAW's Chris Todd sends this audio postcard from the docks.

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Sitka Tribe seeks Assembly support for herring

The Sitka Tribal Council has asked the city of Sitka for support in protecting herring stocks. The council made the request at the semi-annual government-to-government meeting between the Tribe and Sitka Assembly Tuesday (5-6-09) evening. The meeting was also a social occasion. The two government bodies enjoyed a prime-rib dinner at the golf course before getting to business.

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